Thursday, June 20, 2024

Death of Ihor Kotlarchuk 6/15/24 (6/20/24)

Ihor O.E. Kotlarchuk died on 6/15/24. His obituary is here.

The obituary does not mention his Tax Division service, but my database indicates that he served DOJ Tax in the following sections and positions:


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

D.C. AG Schwalb (DOJ Tax Alum) Has Secured a Significant Monetary Recovery from a Wealthy Taxpayer Avoiding Tax by Trying to Avoid DC Residence (6/5/24)

 I previously reported that Bryan Schwalb, DOJ Tax Alum, had been elected and sworn in as D.C. Attorney General. See Brian Schwalb Sworn in as D.C. Attorney General (DOJ Tax Alumni Blog 1/5/23), here.

Schwalb has issued a press release titled “Attorney General Schwalb Secures $40 Million From Billionaire Michael Saylor in Tax Fraud Lawsuit,” here. The case was a tax case in which a wealthy individual and a related company created the appearance of non-D.C. residence to effect tax avoidance/evasion. The press release includes the following quote attributed to Schwalb:

“Michael Saylor and his company, MicroStrategy, defrauded the District and all of its residents for years. Indeed, Saylor openly bragged about his tax-evasion scheme, encouraging his friends to follow his example, and contending that anyone who paid taxes to the District was stupid. This precedent-setting settlement makes clear that no one in the District of Columbia, no matter how wealthy or powerful they may be, is above the law.”

Great work AG Schwalb!

Death of Richard J. Boyle 4/15/24 (6/5/24)

Richard Joseph Boyle passed away on 4/15/24. His obituary is here. The obituary says this about his DOJ Tax experience:

Moving to Washington, DC, Richard worked in the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice under Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy.

My database indicates that he served in the Claims Court section from 1964-1968.