Monday, August 23, 2021

Newsletter Focusing on DOJ Tax Criminal Enforcement Section (8/23/21)

I received the email below from Jeff Beinholt, an alumnus of DOJ Tax CES (the Criminal Section initialism).  The content speaks for itself.  Some readers of this blog may be within the target audience for his newsletter focusing on CES.

 "Greetings. Jeff Breinholt here, an alumnus of the Tax (Crim) Division (1990-1997). About six months ago, I launched a newsletter devoted to Tax Division history, culture, and lore, called The Malone Report. It's a private online newsletter/blog that is only available to registered members (though it's free). Would any of you Tax Division alums like to be added? If so, you can send an email to"

Saturday, August 21, 2021

DOJ Tax Alumni Email List (8/21/21)

As I noted in an earlier blog entry, Setting Up New DOJ Tax Division Alumni Mailing List (1/5/21), here, I would set up a new email list using Google Groups.  I have done that.  Anyone wanting to be on that list should email me at:

I will use the list to advise of new blog entries and other items that may be of interest to members of the group.  I can assure people signing up for the list that I will not flood your inboxes with emails.  I suspect that, based on past experience with the past email service, there will be 15 or fewer emails per year.  Of course, events could make more appropriate, but I doubt that many more will be appropriate in any year.

I think this list will permit others to send emails to the group.  Before any such emails are distributed to the list, I will moderate the emails to ensure that they are appropriate.  If I do not think they are appropriate for distribution, I will discuss the matter with the sender and reach an appropriate resolution.  But, I retain final authority as to what gets distributed.  I will make sure the email inboxes are not flooded with inappropriate content.

Death of Jon Forman 8/16/21 (8/21/21)

Jon Forman (DOJ Tax – Northern Civil 1979-1983) passed away on August 16, 2021.  The obituary is here.  The obituary and comments are very good in recording some features of his life.  The obituary is probably a good place to post comments and observations about John.  Of course, such posts can also be made on this blog entry.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Nathan Hochman Seeks California Attorney General Post (8/8/21)

I picked up this offering about an illustrious DOJ Tax Alum:  Congressman Darrell Issa endorses Nathan Hochman for Attorney General, here.  The offering states in part:  “In 2008, Nathan was appointed by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the US Senate as US Assistant Attorney General overseeing the Department of Justice’s Tax Division.”

The offering also directs those interested to a Facebook offering titled Nathan Hochman for Attorney General 2022, here.

I also found this YouTube offering, here

I could not find whether Hochman has obtained or sought Donald Trump’s endorsement.  But, I suppose, an Issa endorsement goes most of the way there, since as best I can tell Issa and Trump are cut from the same cloth (see Wikipedia, here).