Tax Division Alumni Group Emails

I maintain a group email for DOJ Tax Division Alumni on Google Groups.  The list is by request or invitation.  The key function of the Google Groups email for a group email list to send announcements.   Any alumnus who would like to be included need to so request by email to me at

The principal use of this new email service the same as before -- to distribute emails of matters that I deem sufficiently important or timely that the members would likely want timely notice by email.  I do not flood Alumni with emails.  I suspect that the number per year will probably be less than 20 emails.

Otherwise, for most news items, I just post on the DOJ Tax Division Alumni Blog.

And, if you want to be listed in the DOJ Tax Division Alumni Directory, you should notify me as instructed on the Page titled "DOJ Tax Alumni Directory," here, in the right column.

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