Tuesday, July 24, 2012

George Rita Death 7/18/12

George Rita died on 7/18/12.  The obituary is here.

Per the obituary:

After passing the DC Bar Exam in 1950, he practiced criminal, civil and tax law as a trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice and in private practice until he retired in 1989.

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In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to:
The Trust for Public Land
101 Montgomery Street Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94104
They may also call: 800-714-5263
Or make a gift on-line at www.tpl.org
Please ask them to make their gift to "The Trust for Public Land" and note that it is in honor of George T. Rita.

1 comment:

  1. George Rita and I were sons of Division lawyers and colleagues in the ‘50’s , as they had been in the ‘30’s. For a while, I was privileged to share an office with George’s dad, “Pop” Rita, as he become known in the Division after George’s arrival there. “Pop” was one of the old Bureau trial lawyers who’d transferred to the Division in 1933 as a consequence of FDR’s famous delegation order consolidating government representation in the federal courts under the Attorney General. Learned, funny and extravagant, “Pop” and his contemporaries were rich in tales of the early days of riding the rails between district courts and dictating briefs on the fly – which he still did, with grace, precise citations and classical allusions. George, of whom “Pop” was deservedly very proud, was a frequent visitor in our office, and their fondness for one another and good natured banter was a joy to share. He was a worthy son and a fine colleague.

    Carr Ferguson


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