Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Death of Steve Shapiro on 2/2/24 (2/6/24)

Steven (“Steve”) Shapiro die on 2/2/24. His WAPO obituary is here. The excerpt relevant to the Tax Division is:

In 1962, he and his wife moved to the Washington, DC area so that he could begin what became a 38-year legal career with the Department of Justice. He took great pride in working for, and in representing, the United States. Beginning as a trial attorney, he ultimately was promoted to the position of Section Chief in a Civil Trial Section of the Tax Division, managing over thirty trial attorneys, as well as support staff. During his service in the Department of Justice, he earned a Masters of Law degree in Taxation from Georgetown University.

Also, the obituary has so much more to let you know more about him. I related to the following:

Steven emphasized the importance of honesty and treating others with respect. He was a generous, understanding, and forgiving person. He liked to help others accomplish their goals and see them be successful. His unique sense of humor was well-known and usually appreciated.

A good read about a good man.

 A side note: Steve was my assistant Chief while in Refund 2 from 1974 to 1977 (John Murray was Chief).


  1. Steve was an assistant chief, and later chief, of Civil Trial Southern during my tenure. A major recollection is the high level of integrity he expected of all of us who were trial attorneys. Jerry Leedom

  2. Steve Shapiro was the Chief of Civil Trial Southern when I first came to DC to be trained as a trial attorney in 1982. He had high standards for those working under him, and we all respected his intellect and integrity.


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